Friday, May 15, 2009

Searching for property

In the next few days I will be heading up to Iowa to look at some different areas. I have read a couple of different articles about how the Midwest has some of the most reasonable land / home prices, and since I am originally from Illinois, I know I would feel right at home there.

Iowa has it's Pro's and Con's just like every area. I have seen some good prices on land / homes, sadly to say, even more now after the 2008 Iowa Flood. At this time I am seeing a lot of homes on the market with flood damage, or that have been gutted and cleaned up, but not rehabbed.

The sad state of the housing market is not what brings me to the Iowa, but more of the location for work. I travel by vehicle with my business, and Iowa puts me just about within a day's drive to most of the areas I would need to visit. So far this major "Pro" makes it worth dealing with all the cost of dealing with cold winters. Higher heating fuel cost, needing warmer winter clothes, etc, all add up when trying to live on a tight budget. BUT, I am going to have to really look closer at the Pro's and Con's of building in the area if I find something I like. The fact that I will mostly be building in the winter months may add too many delays and higher costs, thus off-setting the benefits of the cheaper land???