Monday, September 28, 2009

In the words of Peter Brady (BradyBunch TV show)

In those famous words (and scratchy voice) of Peter Brady... "It's time to change!"

Yes, I still don't know where I am really heading, and I'm still not any closer to buying any land. I am in the need to make a move. Sometime in the next coming weeks I will be leaving Florida and heading out "west" somewhere, well, maybe west by northwest??? I am still trying to find the balance of reasonable priced land, with a safe, clean area, and good employment. Like all the problems in my life right now, I notice that I can usually have two out of three things.

I ended up having a Hernia surgery on Aug. 6th, 2009 and although the surgery went well, I am still moving slow and have yet to return to work of any kind. So trying to make any move right now is both needed and at the same time hard. Most of the money I had set aside for land purchase or living expense has been used to keep myself fed, etc while recovering from my surgery.

Since I missed the 2009 hail season, and 2010 season doesn't start until at least February I am going to have to go and find "something" to do, "somewhere" until I either get some hail work or find a new career.

I feel weird about this point in my life, on one hand it's scary as hell to not know where you are heading and the fact that you are almost out of money, but on the other hand, it's kind of a blessing that this economy and my bad health as given me a chance to "start over." Part of me wants to dust myself off and get right back into the game and another part of me is thinking stop and take a look around, live on the cheap for awhile and don't be in a rush to get back into the rat race.

While recovering from my surgery I had a lot of time to sit and think about what I am looking for. I have always been the kind of person who has some kind of dream or goal, and although I am not completely lost for a direction, I am finding it harder to stay excited about any of my goals in these difficult times. So as of this point in time, I feel no big move is the best. I will take this opportunity to continue to check out different states, towns, etc and when I find something I like, then I will take the next step. So it's off to the Northwest or West somewhere. Depending on the weather, I am thinking about spending some time in Jackson,WY and then if it's too costly to make anything happen I can make my way to the west coast from there.