Sunday, March 29, 2009

Location, Location, Location

The one thing I have going for me when it comes to this build is I travel for work, so I don't need to be located in any one town or by an airport, etc. Of course I have locations I would prefer, but if there is a location that has a greater benefits I will look into just about anywhere.

Some of the areas or towns that are making my short list;

1) The general north to south area from Casper,WY to the Boulder,CO area.
And from a little west of Rocky Mtn Nat. Park, to just about I-25 in Colorado
2) Parts of Oklahoma
3) The Smokey Mtn Nat. Park area, prefer the NC. side, maybe to the south of Hendersonville,NC.
4) Still haven't ruled out states like Northern Wisconsin, (great wooded lots, cheaper prices, but out of the way for travel, short building season) or Iowa (good central locations for Interstate travel, but shorter building season.)

Some of the factors that I use to rate a location are;
1) I work mostly in the summer, so I will be building mostly in the fall / winter.
2) Price, taxes, etc
3) Building code,
4) Location of building supplies, etc.
5) Resale value

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