Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dreams Is Spelled With Three R's!

When it comes to "dreams", there are three important R's in the word, Rethink, Redefine, and Relocate! Even though I have already started this journey I am finding myself needing to rethink or redefine my dreams or goals.

My opening statement was enough to launch my journey to search for more information, but now, as I make progress I need to sit down to Rethink and Redefine so I can Relocate! I am going to dedicate the next few posts to breaking down my plans, and then define as many steps or goals as I can within each step.

Two of the three R's are pretty much standard for anything you want to change in your life, but you might be saying to yourself "But I'm not relocating or moving anywhere?" Relocating doesn't have to mean you are packing up your belongings and physically moving from your home. To some, you can look at it as a metaphor for just getting up and doing somethings.

I believe it was Newton's First Law of Motion that said " An object at rest will stay at rest unless an unbalanced force acts upon it." So in other words, if you don't get up and do something, you will still be in the same place doing nothing tomorrow! So go relocate yourself in front of all the things you need to get done, but don't forget to check back on my blog! :)

The Overview of what I am trying to achieve is;

1. Location
-Climate, Hot / Cold, Humid / Dry?
- Snow, Rain, four seasons?
2. Property
- Big, Small, City, Rural?
- Use, Personal, Farm, other?
3. Employment
- Current, Business or Job?
- Future, Business or Job?

I will add to this list as I work through the planning process, but this will be a good start. So let's get started with Rethinking, Redefining, and Relocating!

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