Saturday, June 19, 2010

Property Details

The property size and general information of the land is something that I am still researching on how much the entry-level acreage is for different parts of the country. I think most people would want "as big as I can get" but being realistic, and trying to do this on a shoe-string budget, all I can say at this point in time is one acre is a minimal size, but shooting for something in the five acre size. I know some of the areas I am researching have minimum lot sizes, and some counties put restrictions on wells or septic systems for lots under "X" amount of acres.

The guidelines on price that I am starting with are made up of a self-assessment of "land prices" across the US. I see plenty of tracks of land for sale in all different parts of the county for around the $1000 per acre price. Some tracks of land go up into the $5,000 per acre. Right now I am trying to weigh the Pro's and Con's for pricing, so I can't add much more at this time. I will add a post down the road once I do figure out how to compare each lot.

Other defining needs are as followed:
- I am looking for land that is not too heavily zoned
- Zoned for multiple uses or Agricultural with a home business
- Has to be Zoned for Agricultural, allowing crops and animals
- Lower taxes.
- Works well with Solar, south-facing if hillside.
- Soil is not a big deal if I am going to use Aeroponics to grow my crops.
- Needs to have enough "Build-able" areas since I am not looking at building one large building / home.

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